
Consultation to elaborate a study on the assessment of the Ecological Status and an MSP preliminary initial assessment in Vlora Marine Area in Albania

The Specially Protected Areas Regional Activity Centre (SPA/RAC) launches a consultation to elaborate study on the assessment of the Ecological Status and an MSP preliminary initial assessment in Vlora Marine Area in Albania. The deadline for receiving proposals is 16 September 2019.

This consultation is open to firms having experience in Marine Spatial Planning and particularly in mapping, characterization, and analysis of marine data related to the Marine biodiversity (Vulnerable species and habitat), Coastal and Marine Economic activities (Fisheries, aquaculture, Marine transportation, Oil industries, Tourism, Ports, Hydrography, and Pollution).

The purpose of the study is to assess and complement the existing knowledge on the state of the marine environment in the Area of Vlora in Albania and to provide a preliminary initial assessment of the Marine Spatial Planning including preliminary guidelines for MSP implementation. The study will consist of collecting and assessing all the available and needed data in the study area related to Marine Species and Marine habitats, Marine and coastal Human activities and the Legal framework related to ICZM and MSP. GIS maps are to be developed as well.

More information about the conditions and eligibility of the call can be found in the ToRs document available at the following link.

Please note that the consultation document "to elaborate a study on the assessment of the Ecological Status and an MSP preliminary initial assessment in Vlora Marine Area in Albania" has been revised the 19th August 2019 with no substantive impact on the content of the call for tender.

The deadline for submitting the full proposals is set to 16th September 2019 at 23:59 (Tunisia Time) at the following addresses: with a copy to and

Proposals received after this deadline will not be considered.

E-mails should have the following subject: “Consultation/SPA-RAC/ MSP Pilot Project n°08/2019_SPA RAC”.

For any inquiry, please don’t hesitate to contact Mr. Anis ZARROUK ( and Mr. Daniel CEBRIAN ( with Cc:

Document Actions

published on 09/02/2019 last modified 09/02/2019