
REMPEC launched its brand-new Websites: REMPEC and MENELAS – Apr 17, 2020

REMPEC is pleased to announce the launch of its new website accessible on as well as the new website of the Mediterranean Network of Law Enforcement Officials working to MARPOL, within the framework of the Barcelona Convention (MENELAS) accessible on

The new websites are responsive for both mobile and desktop.

REMPEC’s new website was prepared in line with its communication strategy, with the support of Mediterranean Action Plan of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP/MAP) and the International Maritime Organization (IMO), and the assistance of the Information and Communication Regional Activity Centre (INFO/RAC).

The Centre’s new website targets Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention, inter-governmental and non-governmental regional and international organisations, research and  funding institutions, the civil society,  the private sector and other partners.

REMPEC’s new website has been developed to increase visibility on the work of the Centre and to facilitate the access to reports, meeting documents, technical documentation and guidance documents, legal instruments, studies, regional and national overviews and publications, and other material published by REMPEC in the field of prevention of, preparedness for and response to marine pollution from ships.

In accordance with the Centre’s mandate, the new website provides a framework for the exchange of information on operational, technical, scientific, legal and financial matters, and promoting dialogue aimed at conducting coordinated action at the national, regional and global levels for the implementation of the 2002 Prevention and Emergency Protocol. It also provides a platform for 24/7 emergency communication (notification and exchange of information) in case of emergency.

REMPEC team hope you will enjoy this new platform and welcome any suggestion for further improvements.

Document Actions

Document Actions

published on 04/17/2020 last modified 04/17/2020