
InfoMAPNode: how to visualise and share spatial data from the Mediterranean Sea

Let’s meet Alessandro Lotti, Officer of Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Programme of Mediterranean Sea and Coast for INFO/RAC and co-responsible for the development of the InfoMAPNode platform

Alessandro, what is InfoMAPNode?

 InfoMAPNode is the entry point for InfoMAP Spatial Data and Metadata catalogue. It is an open source geoportal for sharing different levels of geospatial data and maps and to expose all relevant data in the Mediterranean Area, with a specific focus on Barcelona Convention.
It aims to be a unique access point to all maps and spatial data for Mediterranean sea: it wants to be the reference portal for sharing geospatial data and maps within the M
editerranean Action Plan of  the United Nations Environment Programme - Barcelona Convention system among the Mediterranean area and beyond.

Who is it aimed at? Is access open to everyone?

InfoMAPNode is designed in order to have different access levels: the interface is user friendly and easy to browse for all the users, even less experts.
The portal is open and accessible to all but for uploading and managing data, it is needed to be registered and authorized by admin. Permissions define who can view, download, edit and manage layers, maps and documents.

Why is it important to have a geoportal for Mediterranean Sea data?

Data and information are key factors for understanding complex phenomena and driving decisions of policy makers. Mediterranean area is an hot spot for climate change and anthropic pressures and for this reason, integrated data and information about impacts, drivers and assessment are important in order to have a 360° overview.

What type of data does it contain? What could be its natural evolution?

InfoMAPNode contains all data from Regional Activity Centres about the different topics and from other geoportal and Spatial Data Infrastructures too, like for example from European Environmental Agency: it is possible to filter them by themes or using filters.
 The portal is fully interoperable and this means it is possible to link different portals using remote services by means of commonly agreed international standards. Furthermore, through InfoMAPNode, it is possible to create GeoStories and Dashboards.
In the future, geographical data and resources collected will be the core for the future Knowledge Management Platorm.

Can COP 23 be a driver for expanding the portal users?

InfoMAPNode is an integrated platform able to collect data from different sources and it can become the base for a shared environmental information system at Mediterranean level.
The Countries are key actors for this process, making available all the data produced for the periodical reporting activities they are entitled to do.

Without their contribution it can’t be reach the objectives of a real shared information system at Med level.


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published on 2023/11/30 07:14:33 GMT+0 last modified 2023-11-30T07:14:34+00:00