

The Pelagos Agreement: new call for applications

The Permanent Secretariat is looking for a consultant to provide technical and scientific support in the management of the geographical data resulting from the ongoing scientific projects and upload them on the UNEP-MAP Knowledge Management Platform. The activity will start from the signature of the contract for a duration of 7 months (April-October 2025).

a. 2nd level Master’s degree in: Engineering, Architecture, Informatics, Physics, Natural Sciences, Biological Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Urban planning, Agronomy;
b. good English level (oral and written);
c. documented experience in in one or more of the following fields:
1. management of geographical data using Open Source GIS software;
2. experience in elaboration of environmental data for reporting, assessment and cartographic restitution;
3. experience in development and population of Spatial Data Infrastructures;
4. handling of the main IT /office tools, territorial analysis and statistics tools;
5.  handling of relational database by means of PostgreSQL and/or MySQL and/or Oracle.

Submission deadline 13 March 2025

New JPI Oceans Joint Call on Science for Good Environmental Status

With the support of Belgium, Italy, Malta and Ireland, JPI Oceans just launched a Joint Call on Science for Good Environmental Status (S4GES). The scope of this Joint Call builds upon the successful pilot phase of S4GES with a seagoing campaign in the North Sea at its core. The project funded through the Call is expected to enhance the scientific basis underpinning the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). By consolidating existing knowledge and integrating innovative, process-based monitoring approaches, the Joint Call further aims to improve the accuracy and effectiveness of environmental assessments. The deadline for submitting proposals is 1 April 2025, 17:00 CET.

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published on 2025/02/18 16:20:00 GMT+0 last modified 2025-02-18T15:19:01+00:00