
Press Release - National meeting of the Water and Environment Support (WES) Programme

The "Water and Environment Support (WES) in the ENI Neighbourhood South Region" project organised a national meeting on 25 June 2024 in Rabat, Morocco, to present an overview of the environment and water activities in Morocco, the results achieved so far and the follow-up steps for stakeholder engagement.

More than 40 representatives of Ministries, Institutions and Agencies concerned with water and environment issues, as well as representatives of local authorities, the private sector, NGOs, experts, associations and the media took part in the above national meeting and acknowledged the project's achievements and lessons learned.

The WES regional project in the Southern Neighbourhood countries of the European Union (EU) aims to protect the environment and improve water resource management in the Mediterranean region. It focuses on problems linked to pollution prevention and the rational use of water, particularly in the countries of North Africa and the Middle East.

Since June 2020, more than 200 key stakeholders in Morocco have acquired valuable knowledge and expertise that is now benefiting their colleagues, thanks to 5 national activities (2 in the environment sector and 3 in the water sector), 11 regional activities and 3 multidisciplinary activities.

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published on 2024/07/08 13:11:00 GMT+0 last modified 2024-07-08T13:19:19+00:00