
An outlook of progress made in the field of prevention of, preparedness for and response

In collaboration with Plan Bleu, the Regional Activity Center for Specially Protected Areas (SPA/RAC) and the Coordination Unit of UNEP/MAP, REMPEC, prepared and launched a study on trends and outlook of marine pollution from ships and activities and of maritime traffic and offshore activities in the Mediterranean.

In collaboration with Plan Bleu, the Regional Activity Center for Specially Protected Areas (SPA/RAC) and the Coordination Unit of UNEP/MAP, REMPEC, prepared and launched a study on trends and outlook of marine pollution from ships and activities and of maritime traffic and offshore activities in the Mediterranean. This study compiling important information about the socio-economic as well as ecological aspects and impacts of the maritime activities is expected to be finalised by September 2020.

REMPEC recently launched a consultation process for the preparation of the Post-2021 Regional Strategy for Prevention of and Response to Marine Pollution from Ships (2016-2021), involving National competent authorities, relevant regional and international institutions and stakeholders addressing challenges and offering expertise, resources, and funding to progress in the improvement of the prevention of and response to marine pollution from ship. . The objectives of the consultation are:

  • to define, through a collaborative approach, the vision, the strategic directions, and objectives of a post-2021 Mediterranean Strategy,
  • to outline the main institutions and stakeholders’ roles and responsibilities within their respective mandate, and to identify required synergies; and
  • to propose a modus operandi to ensure concerted planning, coordinated implementation, and monitoring procedures.

REMPEC also progressed in the implementation of the road map for a proposal for the possible designation of the Med SOx ECA, notably on the preparatory phase of the requested knowledge gathering based on existing knowledge and studies, and of the further studies to be carried out with a view to developing a mutually agreed joint and coordinated proposal for the possible Med SOX ECA. The following points summarizes progress made on this activity:

  • extension of the mandate of the SOx ECA(s) Technical Committee of Experts composed of experts from all twenty-two (22) Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention, securing the “universal” membership of the committee to oversee the preparation of the Terms of Reference and the outcome of the knowledge gathering and further studies identified in the road map,
  • integration of comments received from 15 Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention, in the final version of the ToRs,
  • launch of a Call for Expressions of Interest to provide consultancy services issued by REMPEC, Plan Bleu and MED POL, for which 15 expression of interests were received,
  • launch of a request for proposal for consultancy services to support the preparation of the knowledge gathering and further studies identified in the road map,
  • preparation of the call for tender for the regional socio-economic studies, and
  • submission of Information documents to the 75th Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 75)

In order to maintain and strengthen its emergency response capability, REMPEC renewed the Memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Sea alarm and the Federazione Nazionale dell’Industria Chimica (Federchimica), which are two components of the Mediterranean Assistance Unit (MAU) that can be mobilized to provide onsite and remote assistance to the Contracting Parties impacted by a pollution.

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published on 2020/06/17 16:58:45 GMT+0 last modified 2020-06-17T16:58:45+00:00