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published on 10/16/2018 last modified 02/18/2025


International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies 2021



MED News, a new format!

MED News, the UNEP/MAP Newsletter: this month issue is on-line! 



  • EcAp MED III project takes place within the framework of Mediterranean Implementation of the Ecosystem Approach, in coherence with the European Union (EU) Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) during the period 2020-2023
  • The scope is to reduce the marine pollution in the Mediterranean by developing a Shared Environmental Information System (SEIS) supporting the regular production and sharing of quality environmental data, indicators, and information.
  • The project is set-up to “Support Mediterranean Member States towards the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive new GES Decision and programmes of measures and contribute to regional/sub-regional cooperation”.
  • The general objective of Supreme project is to support the implementation of Maritime Spatial Planning in EU Member States within their marine waters in the Eastern Mediterranean, including the Adriatic, Ionian, Aegean and Levantine Seas and to launch and carry out concrete, cross-border MSP cooperation initiatives between Member States in the Eastern Mediterranean.