
Highlights from the Mediterranean workshop at the One Ocean Summit TRADURRE

Several participants in the "Mediterranean 2030" workshop—which took place on 9 February 2022 in Brest, in the context of the One Ocean Summit—paid tribute to the UNEP/MAP-Barcelona Convention system’s role in facilitating multilateral action for healthy marine and coastal ecosystems and sustainable development in the Mediterranean region.

The opening session included high-level interventions by Bérangère Abba, Secretary of State for Biodiversity of France, Hugo Moran, Secretary of State for the Environment of Spain, and Vassilios Demetriades, Shipping Deputy Minister to the President of Cyprus.

The speakers unanimously applauded the landmark decision on the designation of the Mediterranean Sea, as a whole, as an Emission Control Area for Sulfur Oxides (Med Sox ECA), adopted at the 22nd Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention and its Protocols (COP 22 Antalya, Turkey, 7-10 December 2021). Mr. Demetriades called on the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention to initiate work for the designation of a complementary Emission Control Area for Nitrogen Oxides.

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published on 04/07/2022 Dernière modification 04/07/2022