Come and discover the logics behind the upcoming Knowledge Management Platform
INFO/RAC is currently working to visualize how the future Knowledge Management Platform could be used and from whom. We designed some workflows to depict users’ journey inside the platofrm, that offers a lot fo possibilities indeed!
Here below a graph representing the possible products you can find inside the platform and the possible seach method you can use to achieve them.

The platform will make available different products, mainly grouped in geographical (layers, geostories, maps, etc.) and non-geographical objects (documents, videos, leaflets, etc.).
Built on the lines of a role-playing game, in this survey several assignments are proposed to the participant, with different levels of users: citizens, stakeholders and Contracting Party/National Focal Point.
Discover all the assignments here and choose the one you prefer. Don’t hesitate to take the survey multiple times and with different user profiles! We will discuss about survey results after the NFP Rome Meeting.